USB Drive Restore
Released on = November 26, 2006, 9:19 pm
Press Release Author = Data Retrieval Software
Industry = Software
Press Release Summary = USB Pen drive data retrieval software recovers flash drive formatted data files retrieve undetected thumb drive mini pen drive. Recovery utility unformat formatted audio video detect undetected mp4 music songs deleted photos images pictures
Press Release Body = Pen drive file retrieval utility retrieves corrupted folders from Sony, SanDisk and Kinston key drive and memory key devices. This user friendly GUI based software enables you to obtain your corrupted lost audio files like mp3 mp4 m4v. USB recovery tool recover lost audio video songs, mp3. Restoration of undetected data text and images both is successfully performed. Software gives user compatible graphical user interface so that end users can work easily. Software fetch the format data instead of message DRIVE NOT FORMATTED is displayed on the system. Software helps in detecting the undetected data files like ppt, mdb, doc, txt, xls, pdf from thumb drive, flash drive, compact flash, and mini pen drive. Recover corrupted photos and pictures like jpg png gif bmp jpeg tiff and store safely. Quality of formatted video songs like wmv, mpeg, avi, mov does not change even if songs are restore after deletion. Utility support different versions of windows operating system such as Windows XP, NT, ME, 2000, 2003, 98. Features: * It retrieves lost images, digital pictures and photos without distortion from PNY Simple Ritek Crucial Dane-Elec Viking Transcend generic Supermedia Super Flash drive. * Software provides data recovery of USB devices like sD card, mini pen drive, compact flash card etc. * Software enables the retrieval of deleted Excel, MS (Microsoft) word, PowerPoint, Access, documents text file (.txt) and acrobat reader file (.PDF). * Tool restore the corrupted data even if the message DRIVE NOT FORMATTED is displayed on the system. * Software recovers the files lost due to improper removal or reset of memory stick. * Utility support all capacity type USB drive like 1GB, 2GB, 4GB, 64MB, 128MB, 256MB and 512B.
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Contact Details = Street Address:191,Street Block-B, Lohia Nagar Phone Number:0091-9868337762 Fax:0091-120-4375006
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